About Me

Introducing GrubAllergy, a platform for parents and caregivers facing the challenge of cooking for a child with food allergies. Our journey began when we discovered our son’s food allergies and realized the limitations and restrictions of his diet. As a result, we embarked on a mission to find and create recipes that not only met our son’s dietary needs but also satisfied our own tastes and preferences.

For instance, vegan egg substitutes like egg-nog can be derived from nuts like cashew nuts, which can pose a significant risk to those with nut allergies. Additionally, other substitutes like soy or gluten may not be suitable for those with soy or gluten intolerance.

As someone who grew up in a traditional Marathi household with a vegetarian diet, I understand the importance of cultural and personal food preferences, and how they can be impacted by food allergies. We believe that cooking for a child with food allergies is not just about substituting ingredients but requires creativity, experimentation, and a lot of love.

When I started experimenting with recipes, some turned out well, while others were more challenging. To keep track of my successes, I began documenting them in a notebook. However, as a millennial, I felt that I could do more to help others who were facing the same challenges. That’s why I decided to share my recipes and experiences with other moms and caregivers through GrubAllergy.

Through GrubAllergy, we share our recipes, cooking tips, and experiences, hoping to inspire and support other parents facing similar challenges. Whether you’re a seasoned cook or just starting out, we invite you to join us on this journey of delicious and nutritious cooking for our loved ones with food allergies.

We believe that cooking for a child with food allergies is not just about finding substitutes for allergenic ingredients but also about getting creative and developing unique recipes that cater to specific dietary needs. Through our platform, we hope to inspire and support others in their culinary journey, and create a community of caregivers who share their knowledge and experiences with one another.

Join us at GrubAllergy and discover delicious and nutritious recipes that cater to a range of dietary restrictions while satisfying your personal tastes and preferences.

Nimisha C.

Blogger, Mom, Taste-maker


Savor the World: 13 Country-Specific Allergen-Free Cookbooks

Prefer to Reach Us Another Way?

Email us directly at support gruballergy@gmail.com . We’re also available on social media. Follow us for the latest updates and tips.


Hi! I’m Nimisha C..

My tryst with cooking began when we got to know about food allergies for our son. Taken aback with the shock and restrictions that his diet had and also worried about nutrition...


Get a free consultation with GrubAllergy.

Share your child's food allergy history, and let us guide you with expert advice on managing and navigating food allergies with confidence.