This Recipe is free from :

  • Wheat
  • Peanuts
  • tree nuts
  • dairy
  • casein
  • soy
  • egg
  • sesame
  • fish
  • shellfish

Ingredients: For Vegan coconut whipped cream Recipe

  • Coconut cream - 1 can
  • Powdered sugar - 1/2 cup
  • Vanilla essence - 1 Tsp

How to Make Gluten-free whipped cream Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Refrigerate the coconut cream can in the fridge overnight. After you open the can , just take the coconut cream or solids and leave out the water or liquid part to use later in milkshakes or curries.
  2. Whip the coconut cream using an electric whipper till you get soft peaks.
  3. Sieve 1/2 cup sugar in the whipped cream and add vanilla essence for flavour .
  4. Again whip the mixture till you get nice strong peaks.
  5. Refrigerate the whipped cream for 3-4 hours to set it before use .
  6. Serve chilled with fresh fruits or pancakes. Makes a nice frosting for chocolate cake as well.

Vegan whipped cream Recipe | How to make coconut whipped cream at home


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Hi! I’m Nimisha C..

My tryst with cooking began when we got to know about food allergies for our son. Taken aback with the shock and restrictions that his diet had and also worried about nutrition...


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