Vegan Matar kachori Recipe | Delicious & Tasty matar ki kachori


July 25, 2024

This Recipe is free from :

  • Wheat
  • Peanuts
  • tree nuts
  • dairy
  • casein
  • soy
  • egg
  • sesame
  • fish
  • shellfish

Ingredients: For Vegan Matar kachori Recipe

For covering -

  1. Whole wheat flour - 1 cup
  2. Salt to taste
  3. Vegetable oil - Hot - 2 Tsp
  4. Water - 1/4  cup

For Stuffing -

  1. Matar / Green Peas - 1 cup
  2. Vegetable oil - 1 TBSP
  3. Coriander seeds - 2 Tsp
  4. Saunf / Fennel seeds - 2 Tsp
  5. Cumin seeds - 1 Tsp
  6. Hing powder - 1/4 Tsp
  7. Ginger-Garlic - green chilies paste - 1 TBSP
  8. Hing - 1/4 Tsp
  9. Turmeric powder - 1 Tsp
  10. Red Chili powder - 1 Tsp
  11. Salt to taste
  12. Amchur powder - 1 Tsp
  13. Water - 3-4 TBSP

How to Make Homemade Vegan Matar kachori Recipe Step-by-Step Instructions

For Covering -

  1. In a pot add whole wheat flour , salt to taste. Add hot oil. Mix well , till the flour when squeezed holds shape. Add water , little at a time and knead into a soft dough. Brush with oil . Cover and keep aside for 30-40 minutes.

For Stuffing Masala -

  1. In a pan add coriander seeds , sauf , cumin seeds . Dry roast on low flame for 2-3 minutes , till the masala starts to release aroma.
  2. Cool down the masala and grind into a powder.

For Stuffing.

  1. In a pan add oil . Once hot , hing powder , ginger-garlic-green chilies paste. Saute for a minute or two.
  2. Add fresh green peas and mix well. Add turmeric powder , Red chili powder , salt to taste and mix well.
  3. Add water 2-3 TBSP . Cover and cook for 5-7 minutes.
  4. Add grinded masala , amchur powder and mix well. Smash the peas using a potato masher . Let the mixture cool down completely.

For Assembling -

  1. Take a small lemon size ball of dough. Roll it into a round disc. Size of a puri.
  2. Fill in the stuffing. Seal the edges together. Pat or roll into a disc. This way, prepare all the kachori. .
  3. Heat oil in kadai for deep frying. Once hot , deep fry all kachori to a nice golden brown color.

Vegan Matar kachori Recipe | Delicious & Tasty matar ki kachori


Prep Time

Cook Time

Total Time

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Hi! I’m Nimisha C..

My tryst with cooking began when we got to know about food allergies for our son. Taken aback with the shock and restrictions that his diet had and also worried about nutrition...


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